We are sure you are wondering what we are doing and thinking about the coming weekend. We knew the cold would come back, and leave the slopes frozen in whatever condition we left them during the record length and temperatures of last weekend’s “pineapple express”.

The best we could do was to stay off the runs, knowing they would at least be smooth under whatever snowfall came after. So far we have received several inches of cold, high density snow and it is looking hopeful that we’ll be able to re-open safely this weekend. Also, the sun is returning to the north, and our full schedule of 10-4 will be back as well.

Our base area and beginner tow was basically a sheet of ice, now with the new snow on it. Luckily it is all smooth and should be skiable, a condition known as “dust on crust”. Anyone coming out will find that we aren’t plowing the snow off, but planning to simply pack it down with cars and busses operating carefully. All wheel drive with snow tires will be a must.

The Moose Mountain road has been well graveled, like most of the main roads in Fairbanks, and our buses and residents should be able to “chain” it into better shape as the weekend progresses. Most of the available sand/pea gravel has been used around the interior and is now hard to come by.

As for shredding, the runs remain smooth as before, not having opened due to impossible road conditions. The top half of the mountain is more skiable, with the moisture having drained through the snow pack, and the lower half also smooth but with harder and harder ice under the cold new snow. Let’s hope for more snow!

Tomorrow may be too cold to operate safely, but the weekend looks better. Check back in the morning for the call.

We do miss you and hope to resume operations safely and soon!