Saturday, Dec 28. It continues to snow overnight. Shredding was beautiful again yesterday and we expect more of that today.
We open the lodge at 9:30, first bus at 10, last bus 2:40. Rope tow runs from 11 to 2. Half day at 12:20 for $5 off. The lodge closes at 3:23.35 PM, so please have your pick up arranged. Don’t count on Uber…call a taxi if you are a visitor.
We received 1.6″ of snow yesterday, and there’s more this morning.
Groomer’s report from last night “Lost Bear, Baby Bear, Sister Bear, the North Braids, Northern Light, Haw, Moosewalk, Moose Meadow, Bear Scat and the Bear Cub beginner area. Check reports below for other recent grooming.
At 4 a.m. it’s 6-7 degrees above zero (f) all over the Moose. For current conditions check the weather buttons below.
We’ll see you SOON!