Powder Friday, Dec 27.

Over an inch of new this morning qualifies in Fairbanks when you have a fully groomed mountain and need a little cheater pow to slow and softener. It’s a marvelous feeling.

We open the lodge at 9:30, first bus at 10, last bus 2:40. Rope tow runs from 11 to 2. Half day at 12:20 for $5 off. The lodge closes at 3:30, so please have your pick up arranged.

Groomer’s report from last night “Way Bear top to bottom, including the walk out, Lost Bear, Smokey Bear braids, 90% of White Spruce and the Bear Cub beginner area.”

At 6 a.m. it’s a few degrees above zero on the Moose. Chance of snow is 30% today. For current conditions check the weather buttons at our home page shredthemoose.com.

We’ll see you SOON!